Blunt Trauma to the head
It is rarely discussed but acupuncture is a procedure of choice to treat a blunt trauma to the head and bruising.

Can chronic fatigue syndrome be treated with acupuncture?
Acupuncture can help to reduce the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Should I drink water before and after acupuncture therapy?
Proper hydration is extremely important for our survival and our health.

Is it normal to feel worse after acupuncture?
Typically there are positive results. However, if a patient is seeing negative results please see your practitioner.

How many sessions of acupuncture do you need for back pain?
The number of sessions is based on the condition.

What should you do after an acupuncture session?
After Acupuncture it is important to relax and hydrate.

What should I do after acupuncture?
After your session it is highly recommended to rest and hydrate.
What is acupuncture and how does it help?
Acupuncture is a medical procedure offered by trained specialists named acupuncturists.
Does acupuncture help vertigo?
Acupuncture relieves Vertigo.
Where are acupuncture needles placed?
There are many Acupuncture points. The needles are placed along anatomical structures such as nerves, bones and muscles.
PTSD and the Military
Many veterans have suffered from PTSD. Study show Acupuncture is favored over modern medicine by patients suffering from this disorder.