Chronic fatigue can be treated with acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. As we know, acupuncture reduces inflammation, increase blood circulation and it also strengthens the immunity.
It has been indicated that chronic fatigue causes are:
- Stress
- Depression
- Viral infections
Everyday, the human body is bombarded by pathogens and it has to repair itself and protect itself against invasions. Sometimes, the body gets overwhelmed and it slowly becomes tired and slowly the fatigue becomes chronic.
The therapy:
The consultation is a very important part of the therapy. It is important to understand that each patient is different and we have to spend the time to discover how we can better treat you. We will then discuss the therapeutic protocol that will fit your personal needs. This protocol might include: Acupuncture, herbal therapy and diet.
La Vie acupuncture Clinic, Inc. is covered by most insurances, please, check your insurance to make sure that you have acupuncture benefits. If you don’t know how to do it, we will help you. The first step is to make an appointment! The journey starts by making the first step!